Monday, November 4, 2019

November 4, 2019

All is well in Southern Italy! These past few months have gone by so fast. I'm learning the language super quick and I don't feel like I'm studying enough to deserve it. I have a weird feeling that there's something coming up that I need to be better at the language for so God is kinda helping me get to the point I need to be at. I am now studying way harder tho so that I feel like I deserve the progress haha. 

I made a new friend Domenico. He's an old Italian man from Taranto who says I'm like his grandson. When I first met him we just started talking and he asked things about my mission like how much do I get paid haha. I told him we aren't paid and in fact we pay to be out here. When he heard how much he was like why the heck do you want to be here haha. That opened us up for me to bear my testimony to him and he was like "wow" haha and he gestured to his arms and said he had goosebumps. He said how much he liked me and that I spoke to his heart. I told him that that's the holy spirit that does that and I told him how I wouldn't be able to speak the language without the spirit either. 
It truly was a miracle tho because my language ability literally jumped so far at that moment and it went back down just a little but I literally improved over night. Domenico and I are staying in contact and he really seems to love me and he tells me that all the time haha. But I don't think he realizes why he loves me. I just need to help him realize that he may like me but it's the spirit I bring that he loves the most. I'm hoping to be kinda furbo by slipping in the lessons with our meal appointments with him.
Another miracle from Domenico! This less active lady in Statte that we've been trying to contact is his sister!! We got to talk with her just a little but Domenico is a possible investigator and an in on a less active! We're being so blessed out here and I'm so grateful for it because we really hit a rough patch in the work with a lot of labor with no visual rewards coming from it.

I love Italy but it's making me appreciate America haha. Italy is great to have fun and the social life here is really amazing. The problem is the simple things like their weird toilets and stuff. Work isn't great here either. And customer service here isn't a thing and nobody expects it so nobody cares haha.

Anyways. Vi voglio bene! Until next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Domenico and his sister to embrace the gospel fully. So happy your language skills are coming along by leaps and bounds!
