Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2, 2019

So days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days. The Japanese elders in our zone bought hundreds of bouncy balls to throw around in the residences and stuff. There's only one rule with them and that's that you have to throw the ball to bounce once before it hits someone. Yesterday we threw them into each other's showers haha. 
     Laundry at 5:30 in the morning is like the dmv if they actually gave you a set time when you can get to them. It's so annoying when a washer finishes and the owner of the clothes is nowhere to be found. At 6:10 however the laundromat is empty haha idk.
     We had a temple walk and got a few more pictures. I realize that I didn't get any of them yet tho. I decided to take a picture of the holiness to the lord sign at every temple I visit. 
      We witnessed some missionaries trying to convert trees. I'd like to see that baptism. I hope that picture makes it onto the blog haha idk if videos can go on it or not.
      I've been having so many spiritual experiences and there are moments that I actually see Satan's attempts at stopping them. I know I'm on the right path and I'm so excited to go to Italy.
     So che mediante preghiera, possiamo ricevere risposte per nostre domande. Mediante Lo dono dello spirito santo possiamo sapere la verità di ogni cosa. Dio è il nostre padre celeste e lui ha molto amore per la sua figli. Vi amo tutti. Ti parlerò la prossima settimana. 

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