Monday, September 16, 2019

September 16, 2019

So Etore's pizzaria almost burned down. He for to the pizzaria and smelled smoke and when he opened his oven it exploded into flames. It's a miracle he's untouched and the oven was the only casualty. That entire room was covered in ash tho including the walls and ceiling. He just got everything painted too so he needs to do that again. So we've been over there a lot helping clean up but he seems unphased by it all, he's an awesome guy. Apparently he's 63 too and that's insane because he's very young and capable looking. We've also been helping this lady move. So we've been doing a lot of service haha. Today actually we helped get the huge oven out of the pizzaria which took like 2 hours.

      We have a lady that wants to re-join the church which is super cool. Anna and Mario are scheduled to be baptized! They want to go through the temple and they know that they have to be baptized first. We're just trying to help them get to church and Mario to finally stop smoking. He's so close yet so far. It sounds like he only smoked if he was with his friends.

     Having the car in the area is hard because if anyone needs a ride we kinda have to help them. They try to get places on their own but the busses here suck and things are too far away to walk. It's okay to because we get to participate in everyone else's service activities and stuff. 
     Also!! We've been asked to help teach English, and apparently help teach math too, at some high school. We already do English course twice a week so this would be on top of that but this is an awesome opportunity to meet some cool people and have a fun time. I don't know who all reads the entirety of these emails but ti amo per quello. All of the missionaries are having awesome experiences to read about tho. The Italy rome mission is TOTALLY a Baptizing mission btw. There are people searching for answers everywhere, everywhere. That reminds me of what I wanted to post on Facebook about member missionaries. Ya'll have to help out the missionaries in your area, it's not an easy life and most baptisms come from member referrals and help. Please help us.

    In Taranto a man came in wanting to be baptized. There are people who want to find joy for themselves and their families. I've seen the gospel touch lives first hand and you all can to, you just have to ask God to trust you with one of his children. And you should be honored if he gives you the opportunity to bring one of his children to christ. Thank you in advance and I would love to hear about your missionary experiences!!
Vi voglio bene!

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